5 Simple Ways to Detox Everyday


The body naturally detoxifies everyday by processing, eliminating, or neutralizing everything that we ingest, inhale, or absorb. Detoxification organs like the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, and skin work to keep the body healthy. However, in our environment today, we are exposed to many more chemicals and unwanted substances through the food we eat (pesticides, fertilizers, additives, preservatives, etc.), the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the products we use next to our skin (soap, lotion, shampoo, deodorants, etc,).


Consequently, our bodies are overwhelmed with the overload and are unable to eliminate the dangerous material. Soon, we have a lower functioning body system because of the increased toxic load. The less the organs function, the less elimination can occur, and the more poisoned the body becomes. Some of the toxins can be avoided by eating organic and unprocessed foods and using organic or homemade body care products. But some of the toxins we encounter in our daily world cannot be helped.

Detoxify Everyday

While undergoing an intense cleanse can be helpful,  (Check out this article to learn all about detoxification!) there are also simple steps you can do everyday to encourage your body’s own detoxification processes.

detoxing everyday

  • Drink Green Tea. Green tea is high in antioxidants and polyphenols. Antioxidants and polyphenols fight free radical damage caused by damaging UV rays and poor food choices. Green tea can help protect against disease by eliminating these free radicals. Green tea also boosts enzyme production aiding in digestion and absorption of vital nutrients and the cleansing action of your body’s organs. Green tea is a helpful in weight loss.
  • Squeeze That Lemon. Lemon juice helps to alkalize your body. Many foods we eat cause the body to be acidic which, in turn, causes fatigue, headaches, and over the long term, disease. Drinking lemon juice everyday helps the body stay more alkaline and therefore, healthier. Lemon juice also supports healthy kidney function. The kidneys are an eliminative organ and help the body detox everyday so keeping them functioning well will keep your body “clean.” Lemon juice is high in vitamin C which helps the body cleanse. It also increases digestion so your body can properly absorb and eliminate.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is high in antioxidants as well. Look for apple cider vinegar that is organic, raw, and unfiltered with some of the “mother” in the jar. This will be high in probiotics vital for promoting gut health. Apple cider vinegar also helps balance the pH of the body and aid’s the body’s natural detoxing processes. Try drinking a tablespoon in some water twice a day. It can be a great pick-me-up!
  • Brush Your Skin. We all brush our hair, but do you brush your skin? The skin is your largest eliminative organ! Dry brushing your skin with a natural bristle brush removes dead skin cells allowing more toxins to be released through the skin. The best time to brush your skin is just before showering and preferably in the morning because it can have a stimulating effect. Check out this awesome natural skin brushing set!
  • Get Moving. Exercise increases the removal of toxins through perspiration. Exercise can be beneficial to weight loss by increasing metabolism and countering the ill effects of stress hormones released during the day. It stimulates the lymphatic system which depends on body movement for circulation. The lymphatic system is a major player in your body’s immune system keeping you healthy.

There you go! These are 5 simple ways to encourage your body’s own detoxifying processes that you can do everyday. Just by adding these to your daily routine, you can improve your health and daily vitality!

Yours in Health,

The NaturoCoach


  1. Jo September 11, 2018 at 3:08 pm

    I have a question as well as comments.. One how much lemon juice to put in the water and how often? My comments.. I can’t wait to try this.. I actually have Apple Cider Vinegar at home.. You list it as a probiotic, can it take the place of probiotic pills? And the last comment I’ve got to buy a brush and start brushing my skin!

    • The NaturoCoach September 11, 2018 at 9:32 pm

      Hi! You can start with juicing half a lemon in a cup of water and work up to a whole lemon😊 As far as apple cider vinegar taking the place of your probiotic pill, that would depend on your health goals. If you are just wanting to add some probiotic from fermented foods to your diet, apple cider vinegar is one of many good choices.

  2. Angie September 11, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    Great ideas, I have never heard of brushing the skin…I will have to try.

  3. Kirsten Cunha September 11, 2018 at 5:15 pm

    I love these ideas! So simple and easy to incorporate into a busy life. I’ve done lemon juice before, and it really does work for me. I got rid of a persistent BV infection simply by drinking fresh squeezed lemon juice every morning in a cupful of tepid water. Amazing! I’m going to have to give some of these other methods a try. ☺️

  4. Tasha September 11, 2018 at 6:20 pm

    I really want to like green tea. I’ve tried and never stick with it. Any tips for flavoring it?

    • The NaturoCoach September 11, 2018 at 9:19 pm

      It is sometimes an acquired taste😉 Try brewing it with a more flavorful tea like peppermint. Or, if you like to make your own tea, mix 2 parts green tea, one part lavender, and one part spearmint. Yum!!

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Hi! I am Katie Farris-The NaturoCoach. I am a Natural Health Consultant with a doctorate in Naturopathy. My goal is to empower you with your health by bringing you information to make healthy choices in your daily life!

The NaturoCoach

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