A selection of products I routinely use and carry in stock so you can enjoy them too!

  • Healing Sports Salve Healing Sports Salve

    A must-have for any first aid kit, this salve will speed healing and relieve pain in bumps, bruises, and more serious injuries.

  • Another great staple in your first aid kit! This salve soothes all skin ailments, even bug bites! Contains olive oil, coconut oil, dandelion, goldenseal, oatstraw, horsetail, bee pollen, rosehips, calendula, chamomile, lavender, and essential oils of lavender and frankincense.

Hi! I am Katie Farris-The NaturoCoach. I am a Natural Health Consultant with a doctorate in Naturopathy. My goal is to empower you with your health by bringing you information to make healthy choices in your daily life!

The NaturoCoach

Bringing Health Into Your Hands